Friday, November 29, 2019

Sales Team Structure

Executive Summary This report is focused on building an effective sales model for Austvending vending machine company that has business operations in Australia and New Zealand. The company has ten years of experience in providing cost effective, specialized, innovative, and customized business solutions and services to meet the needs and expectations of the market using vending machines.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sales Team Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company takes responsibility for the most difficult parts by delivering the services and taking the machines closer to the customers to enable them to optimize the profits earned from the delivered of services using the electronic vending machines. Service delivery relies on the use of web based applications which use a service distribution model defined by a sales team structure which is composed of a hierarchical reporting relationships fr amework. The structure has the national sales director at the top of the management hierarchy and line managers composed of regional sales managers, sales managers, and sales representatives at the lower levels. The managers are geographically distributed based on the business activities and characteristics of the market segments and the state the company’s operations are found. To ensure effective business service delivery, the company has a well-defined organizational structure which shows the roles and responsibilities of each member in the sales team which is composed of the national sales manager who devices and regulates the company’s national strategy, the regional sales manager who is responsible for defining and creating the job description of company employees, and the sales manager who drives the performance of the organization. To provide efficient service delivery to the customers, the sales representative of the company take that responsibility to ensure the services meet the needs of the customers, who are the most critical stakeholders of the company. Appropriate remunerations, commissions, bonuses, and incentives are provided to the each manager for motivational purposes Background of Austvending Austvending is a vending machine company that is mainly based in Australia and New Zealand. The corporation enjoys an experience of over 10 years having started its business in the year 1996. It’s main mission is to provide the best vending machine equipments, which help in establishing vending businesses (Monley 133).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company also provides supportive services that help vending businesses to be more profitable and efficient. It mainly targets people with the desire to have financial independence in terms of investment opportunities, and a stable income source. Austvending provides its cl ients with a personalized business structure that is best suited for that particular client. Its business model exists almost in all towns in Australia (Zoltners, Sinha Lorimer 2004, p.4). Each client can operate several machines, which are usually put in commercial businesses. The company usually performs a thorough research when deciding where to put the vending machines for the customers (Berry 60). This ensures that the clients get profits. They also ensure that the machines are located close to each other so that they become cost effective to operate. According to the company, the success of the business comes from great profits that are obtained as a result of the sales of stock from the machines. The company ensures that the income for its clients is secured by taking upon themselves the most difficult part of this business, which is ensuring there is a location agreement for each of the machine. The company states that its vending machine is one of highly money-making busin esses. This is because the business gives the clients large profit margins. The machines are also mechanically operated and are user friendly. Some of the vending packages that the company offers to its customers include electronic vending, which is used to sell products such as soft drinks, hot and cold beverages among other drinks.. Another vending packages from the company include novelty vending, which is used to dispense products such as pinball and other children’s fun products. Austvending innovative approach to business and its presence in many cities has made the company to be the best choice not only for entrepreneurs to get an extra source of capital, but also enables people to obtain various products easily. This aspect has also enabled the corporation to emerge as the top company in supplying the vending machines not only in the two countries where its business is based, but across the global market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sales Te am Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction This report will be focused on building a sales team structure that reflects appropriate staff numbers, their geographic location, their roles and remuneration packages, Web-Based Structure, and distribution model for Austvending company. The report will be started with sales team structure chart that shows the positions ,location, and roles of sale team member. This report will investigate current sales salaries in the vending machine industry and remuneration packages will be advised to be used for the sales team in Austvending company (Schwartz 2006, p.2). Sales team structure This is the chart for the sales team member, which starts with the national sales director of the company who is the head of the sales team members, following by the regional sales managers whom are located in each state of Australia. Following by the sales managers whom are responsible for guiding, c oaching, and disrupting the sales representatives. Distribution The distribution of the sales team members are depending on the size of the state and business activaties in the states. Therefore, the following timetable will show the number of sale team members that is needed in each state. State/positions Regional sales managers Sales managers sales representative Total New South Wales 1 1 11 13 Queensland 1 1 12 14 South Australia 1 1 5 7 The Northern Territory 1 1 5 7 Tasmania 1 1 5 7 Victoria 1 1 10 12 Western Australia 1 1 6 8 Total 7 7 54 68 The capital cities in each state, and where the central location of the company: Sydney (New South Wales) Brisbane (Queensland) Adelaide (South Australia) Darwin (the Northern Territory) Hobart (Tasmania) Melbourne (Victoria) Perth (Western Australia) The sales representatives will be sent in different areas in each state. So, they can reach more custom. The sales managers are in charge of organizing and selecting the suitable sales representatives for the target areas,Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The required number representatives of in each state are depending on the size, commercial building, and public institutions. The following timetable shows that the number and the area of sales representatives in different areas. Capital city/ targeted areas City area Northern suburbs Eastern suburbs Western suburbs Southern suburbs Sydney 3 2 2 2 2 Brisbane 2 1 1 1 1 Gold Costs 2 1 1 1 1 Adelaide 1 1 1 1 1 Darwin 1 1 1 1 1 Hobart 1 1 1 1 1 Melbourne 2 2 2 2 2 Perth 2 1 1 1 1 Total 14 10 10 10 10 Duties and responsibility of the sales National sales managers National sales manager devices and regulates national sales strategy of a company and collaborates with regional sales manager in meeting targeted revenues and expenses. Duties and responsibilities: Entail developing and reporting the performance of a budget, researching on marketing intelligence such as competitors and sales strategies. National sales manager handles major organizational deals and custo mers, collaborates with other managers in implementing national sales levels and overlooks the performance of sales and expenses thus offering guidance where appropriate. National sales manager oversees and reports on the performance of dealers and distributors, recruits, trains and encourages sales staff (Bose 445). Regional sales manager Regional sales manager plays a significant role in a job description by ensuring that the manner in which an organization creates a job description will attract qualified candidates to apply. Regional sales manager performs varying duties such as attaining objectives of regional sales human resource (Ingram 2012, p.3). Duties and responsibilities Meeting regional sales operation goals, which entail gathering information and recommendations for strategic plans Reviewing, maintain action plans, sustaining customer services, Regional sales manager should meet the objectives of regional sales financial. Creating sales objectives including formulatin g sales plan and quota to meet national plans. Retaining customer base, recommend best lines for products, implement best trade promotional strategies, keeps updating job knowledge and ensures fulfillment of both sales and organizational missions (Schwartz 1). Sales manager Sales manager is significant in the performance of an organization. This is because the manager has the powers of attaining sales target, which creates organizational revenue. Duties and responsibilities Planning and budgeting well to meet sales target of an organization. Implementing realistic and achievable targets for sales executives and sales representatives. For the sales manager to ensure good performance from sales team, he or she should delegate responsibilities depending on the interest of a salesperson. Sales managers generates strategies and techniques that can enhance achievement of sales target, identifies prospective customers and generate organizational leads. Motivating sales team, enhance team work among the group and introduce lucrative schemes. encouraging performers while help non-performers improve. Consequently, the sales manager makes significant decisions for the team, maintain and improving the relationship with clients, and maintain essential information for future reference (Zoltners, Prabhakant and Sally 213). Providing a training program for the sales representatives to have a good knowledge about the company’s machines. Recruiting, counseling, planning, appraising and coaching sales representatives   Sales representative The substantial aim of a sales representative is to ensure efficient services to customers by selling them products that meet their needs. Responsible and duties for sales representatives Maintaining applicable accounts, obtaining orders, regulate presentation of sales contents, concentration on sales efforts, submit requested orders, update management team, and support both professional and technical knowledge for the company (Mil ler 87). Visiting commercial buildings and government installations to get more customers for the company. Answering the inquiries that received from customers through the company’s website. Remuneration The remuneration packages of the company are based on fixed salaries and variable compensation consisting of commissions, incentives and bonus. The salaries are depending on the position of the sales team member in the company. Sales representative compensation is constructed using their quota and on target earnings (OTE). The OTE is a combination of base salary and variable compensation. The variable component is the commission that is earned through sales. Austvending uses an approximate 50/50 ratio between salary and OTE. Austvending Regional Sales Manager Remuneration Base Salary 100K On Target Earning 200K Variable Compensation: On Target Earning – Base Salary = 100K Quota: 1,000,000 Commission Rate: Variable/Quota = 10% Total Gross Pay = Total Sales x Commission Rate Commission The commissions are depending on the employees performance (Bose 2002, p.34). Once the sales representative has achieved their sales quota, they become eligible for accelerated commission rate. This is used to stop sales representatives saving deals for future years. After reaching 110% of their quota, the representative is eligible for an accelerated commission rate of 11%. After reaching 120% of their quota, the representative is eligible for an accelerated commission rate of 12% and son on. Quota Achieved Accelerated Commission Rate 110% 11% 120% 12% 130% 13% Bonus The bonus largely depends on the percentage of sales quota and whether the annual target has been reached. If the company meets its target quota the bonus will be paid to the sales team members. Bonuses for hitting targets are 120%. These are equivalent to a straight cash bonus of X dollars paid annually over the Christmas period. Incentives Incentives awarded to employees are grouped into 4 categories. These incentives are renumerated through cash bonuses. The ability to Win over the market share; Retain existing customers Expand product mix – DVD’s, kids toys, bathroom products, lottery tickets Growing contract length/ deal profitability Increasing sales through X opportunites Positions Base Salary Number of members Total National sales manager $AU200000 1 $AU200000 Regional sales managers $AU100000 7 $AU700000 Sales managers $AU70000 7 $AU490000 Exterior sales representative $AU35,000 54 $AU1890000 Total 69 $AU2650000 Web-Based Structure Method and System for facilitating Austvending’s Web-Based Structure via a centralized Web Structure. AustVending Web-Based Structure consists of a centralized Website ( which is includes information of the company. This is divided into pages of ‘The Vending Lifestyle’, ‘Austvending Business Model’, Vending Packages’, ‘Austvending in Y our Area’ and ‘Online Store’. These need to be maintained and updated to stores (Miller 2009, p.4). The Website provides a centralized navigation system. It provides a web-based application comprising: Team communication network (amongst staff) Purchase processing requests (food and drink products and $1 and $2 coin mechanisms). Tracking customer issues (e.g. shift of responsibility of making a first decision on a funding request from a first user to a second user) Funding requests Online enquiries (filling in customer details) Security (e.g. identifying a user requesting access via a password Distribution model Conclusion In conclusion, the Austvending vending machine company uses an effective distribution model using web based applications to take its services to customers by providing vendor machines for their business pursuits. The company enjoys a significant presence in the market because it possesses the expertise and experience gained for the ten years it has been in the market. The management of the company exploits opportunities by identifying changing customer needs, expectations, and behavior and aligning the provision of its services according to the changing needs, expectations, and behavior of the customers to sustain its position in the market and create large profits. Because company executives understand the value of the customer in contributing to the growth and sustainability of company profits, the management has modeled delivery of the company’s services to the customers based on well-defined organizational structure for assigning responsibilities to the top level manager and lower level line managers. Some of the clever tricks the company employs to win and lock in the customers, is by doing the most difficult tasks while the customer only does the easier tasks to make huge profits from the services offered by the company. Towards achieving that strategy, the company ensures that each manager is assigned rol es and responsibilities critical to the success of the operations of the company. The top level executive who is the national sales manager drives the company by formulating, devising, and regulating the company’s national strategy. The overall mission is to offer the best vending machine equipment for entrepreneurs wanting to start the vending business. References Bose, D C 2002, Principles of Management and Administration, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. Ingram, T N 2012, Sales Management: Analysis and Decision Making. Armonk, Sharpe, New York. Miller, W 2009, Proactive Sales Management: How to Lead, Motivate, and Stay  Ahead of the Game. Web. Schwartz, M 2006, Fundamentals of Sales Management for the Newly Appointed  Sales Manager. New York: AMACOM. Web. Zoltners, A A, Sinha, P Lorimer, S E 2004, Sales Force Designfor Strategic Advantage. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Web. 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Monday, November 25, 2019

Better quality foods Essays

Better quality foods Essays Better quality foods Essay Better quality foods Essay Abstraction: Nanotechnology is one hereafter scientific discipline which is considered fruitful to about every industry. It has lead to new merchandise find with cheaper cost and has been more efficient, hence consumers get better value for their money. In the last few old ages Nanotechnology has been used in nutrient industries to bring forth better quality nutrients and in the recent old ages it has taken a large spring which is more complex and advanced to make Smart nutrients, Alteration of DNA in the seeds to bring forth better harvest, Food munition, Smart packing etc to take nutrient industry to a better place than earlier. Apart from its advantages, it has besides been reviewed by assorted critics that usage of Nanotechnology in nutrient materials is non safe for the consumers, but some consider it to be the following coevals nutrient safety tool. To understand what impact and effects would Nanotechnology hold in Food industry, the cardinal facet would be briefing of Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, appraisal of Potential deductions in utilizing Nanotechnology in nutrient and looking at the assorted statute laws linked to it. My work is to analyse this state of affairs and compare some of the diaries and research documents holding positive or negative points against usage of Nanotechnology in nutrient industry. I would besides affect few instance surveies which will assist explicate the scenario better giving a more precise reappraisal on this argument. Chapter 2 Literature reappraisal Introduction to Food safety: Food and H2O are the basicss of a human being. Every portion of the universe has its ain characterized nutrient with distinguishable gustatory sensations. But there is merely one major concern in common which people from all over the Earth have in common, Safety. Food safety has now been considered the foremost and really of import portion in all of the nutrient industries around the Earth. Many different and assortment of techniques have been developed upon to assist nutrient safety go to a higher degree, while many of them turned out to be failures. Scientists now have discovered a particular, dependable, existent clip, and most significantly more economic technique to look into the safety of the nutrients in production. This is by agencies of engineering called Nanotechnology. Every life being is a corporate affair of nanoscale objects in signifier of atoms and molecules. Nanoparticles are those which have a size of one ten percent of human hair i.e. atoms runing within 1 to 100 n anometers. Nanotechnology is classified into two in footings of the size of the atoms, Fine particles which has a size scope of 100 2500 nanometer and Ultrafine atoms which is from 1 100 nanometer. It is rather absorbing how the size, Numberss, location, concentration and few other factors of the nanoscale atoms control the whole system. Most protein and polysaccharide have nanoscale sizes but these are of course happening nanoparticles ( National Nanotechnology Initiative, 2006 ) . It is scientifically shown that if a larger atom is broken down unnaturally into nanoscale size, the natural belongingss of the atom is lost and the atom behaves as a toxic component. Hence when nanotechnology is used in any application particularly when affecting it in the nutrient system or nutrient concatenation ; it is to be taken into consideration that the hazard affecting is far-reaching and terrible. Normally nutrient safety is considered to be the most hard and expensive portion for the Food Industries as the machineries and the equipment needed for them is really expensive with moderate dependability and high cost of care. Hence most of the little graduated table nutrient industries tend to extinguish the nutrient safety instruments and normally have merely ocular review of the nutrients which is non reliable. And for the inexpensive pricing from these industries, people ( Consumers ) buy the nutrients and devour them and have high hazard of acquiring diseased. But now as engineering has improved, there is a new manner to hold the safety of nutrients in control and that is non with expensive machineries but merely with simple techniques with Nanotechnology. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) and the World Health Organization ( WHO ) have recognized a demand for scientific advice on any nutrient safety deductions that arise from the use of Nanote chnology techniques in the nutrient and agribusiness sectors through its skyline scanning activities. All nutrient Industries operate in a complex proficient and commercial environment and to be successful each nutrient concern should posses the cognition and accomplishment to look into them at the lead or at least be in the competition. And one of the best ways to acquire the repute is to acquire good ranked among the clients. And to make that the merchandise they deliver should be of high quality and which is all about the nutrient safety. Food safety has become one of the most of import sections in a nutrient industry and even consumers buy nutrients which are safer, instead than the gustatory sensation. Hence a big importance in the Industry should be directed towards the safety for the nutrient. In olden times the nutrient was tested for their safety by a method called End merchandise testing, which involves a sampling of the merchandise and so proving it. But it was non to the full fulfilling as safety was dependent on the trying entirely. In 1960s The Pillsbury Company along w ith the National Aeronautical and Space Administration ( NASA ) and the USA Army laboratories formed a construct called the HACCP. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control point System. It was based on failure, manner and consequence analysis, which looks on the procedure and place the things could perchance travel incorrect and put consequence to rectify it. As a consequence there would be safe manner of bring forthing nutrients. This was in fact developed for the Astronauts to guarantee safe nutrients and minimise the hazard of nutrient poisoning eruption in infinite. Hazards, as called in nutrient industries are explained as agent which has a inclination to do inauspicious wellness effects to the consumer. They are of three types which are Physical, Chemical and Biological. Physical jeopardy is when the nutrient contains unwanted physical presence of agents like spots of knife, nails, piece of paper etc at any phase of the nutrient procedure rhythm from natural stuffs to the packaging. A good illustration for this would be the presence of a nut which has fallen off in the nutrient merchandise from the machinery which it processes and non good maintained. These may even do serious harm to the consumer. The ground for this could be hapless care of the machineries and instruments used or staffs non trained decently on safety steps. The Chemical jeopardy is explained as an unwanted alteration in the nutrient merchandises chemically. Here for illustration pasteurisation of milk is to extinguish the hazards of the micro organisms nowadays in the natura l milk, if the milk is non pasteurized so there is a chemical jeopardy. These are normally caused by improper accommodation of the temperature, Ph etc. Biological jeopardy is the hazard of doing wellness effects to the consumer through the infective micro being nowadays in nutrients and are considered to be one of the chief dangers. Infective micro-organisms exert their consequence straight through turning in or polluting nutrient merchandises and being ingested ( Food borne infection ) or doing nutrient toxic condition. In both instances the unwellness possibly serious, even fatal. Good illustration for this is the Bacillus Cereus which forms heat immune spores that can merely be eliminated by terrible heat intervention. Food Intoxication is caused by the exposure of nutrient materials to the micro-organisms or toxins produced by them. Cases of poisoning could be either Bacterial poisoning or Non Bacterial poisoning. The former occurs when micro beings like bacteria or their ain toxin gets absorbed with the nutrient which on devouring causes nutrient Intoxication. The ulterior type is caused by harmful chemicals like fertilisers, insect powders etc. A few other types of Bacterial poisonings are Salmonella nutrient poisoning, Botulism, Staphylococcal nutrient poisoning, Clostridium nutrient poisoning and Bacillus Cereuss. Salmonella nutrient poisoning This is caused by signifiers of Salmonella bacteria viz. Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella cholera suits, and Gartner s B. These are normally found in milk, milk merchandises and eggs. The symptoms of this poisoning are Diarrhoea, illness, etc. Botulism This is one of the rare but serious instances of poisoning caused by Botulinum toxin which is produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinus. The symptom starts from palsy taking to respiratory failure. Antitoxins have proven really successful in handling the status. This type of poisoning is non contagious and does non distribute through individual to individual contact ( NHS, 2008 ) . Staphylococcal nutrient Poisoning This is caused by the consumption of nutrient merchandise incorporating Staphylococcal Enterotoxin. The symptoms are violent onset with terrible sickness, spasms, purging and collapse. It is accompanied by lower blood force per unit area and diarrhea. Cases of decease are rare but hospitalization is needed ( Manitoba heath, Nov 2001 ) . Legislations affecting Food safety: In the Europe, the European Union ( EU ) makes statute laws and many of which are compulsory for the member provinces and hence incorporated into each single states national statute law. As a big administration it helps in taking barriers to merchandise between member provinces and into which single member provinces merely have a minimum influence and the consequence being a related non biased one size tantrums all system ( Wikipedia ) . The EU nutrient scheme has three chief classs which are statute law on the safety of the nutrient and animate being provender ; sound scientific advice on which to establish determinations ; and enforcement and control. The statute law is covers a big country from carnal provender boulder clay widening to nutrient hygiene. This is applied all across Europe in high criterions. The general regulations for all nutrient and provender are given with particular step where client satisfaction is justified as in usage in addendums, nutrient addendums, colo rings, pesticides or endocrines. The regulation is besides applied to stuffs that get in contact with nutrient like plastic wadding. The standard EU labelling will guarantee if the merchandise has an allergic ingredient and to cognize the footings like high fibers or low fat and what they mean ( European communities, 2009 ) . In United Kingdom the nutrient criterion bureau is the organic structure responsible for the safety policy and statute law. They enforce these statute laws with the aid of Food governments which are the local governments, imports, port wellness governments. The control of nutrient is governed by condemnable jurisprudence with the chief primary statute law in signifier of Food safety act of 1990. There is a group of subsidiaries which implement European Union ordinances, Contaminants bound, restricting usage of additives, labelling demand, and other nutrient quality related and genuineness. The nutrient governments inspect the premiss supplemented by trying of nutrient and they analyse it by public analysts and nutrient testers. Introduction to Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is defined as the survey and usage of constructions between 1 nanometre and 100 nanometres in size Devicess with minimal characteristic sizes less than 100 nanometres ( nanometer ) are considered to be merchandises of nanotechnology ( National Nanotechnology Initiative, 2006 ) . A nanometre is one billionth of a metre ( 10-9 m ) and is the unit of length that is by and large most appropriate for depicting the size of individual molecules ( University Malaysia Perlis, 2005 ) . The Nano-scale Markss the cloudy boundary between the classical and quantum mechanical universes ; therefore, realisation of nanotechnology promises to convey radical capablenesss. Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of affair at dimensions of approximately 1 to 100 nanometres, where alone phenomena enable novel applications. Embracing Nano-scale scientific discipline, technology and engineering, nanotechnology involves imaging ; measurement, patterning and pull stringsing affair at this length graduated table ( National Nanotechnology Initiative, 2006 ) . Nanotechnology is non one engineering, but many. The UK Royal society and Royal academy of Engineering entitled its 2004 study Nano-science and Nanotechnologies: Opportunities and uncertainnesss to stress the scope of engineerings in drama. It defines Nano-science as the The survey of phenomena and use of stuffs at atomic, molecular and macromolecular graduated tables, where belongingss differ significantly from those at a larger graduated table ( The Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering, 2004 ) . Most of the states are presently researching Nanotechnology on assorted Fieldss like Pharmaceutical Industries, Petroleum Industries, Electronic Industries, and Automobile Industry etc. In 2001, Japan spent US $ 400m researching on this country and US $ 960m in 2004. In USA, $ 750m was funded for Nanotechnology in 2003 and from 2005-2008 about $ 3.7bn was spent. In Europe, support for the Research an d development is around ˆ1bn. between the old ages 2003-2009, In UK the DTI enterprise on Nanotechnology offered A ; lb ; 45m to back up applications used in commercial countries ( Antje grobe et Al, 2008 ) . Nanomaterials have different types of classification to be applied in nutrient industry. It can be classified as: Nanoparticles Nanofibres Nanoemulsions, and Nanoclays. Nanoparticles can be divided into two on the footing on their behavior as Organic and Inorganic. Nano-particles are used in encapsulation systems as they have the ability to transport ingredients. Some of the illustrations are micelles, liposomes, for bringing of nutrient ingredient, biosensor and disinfectants. Inorganic nano-particles Some of these inorganic nanoparticles have been approved to be used in the nutrient industry. Such as Titanium dioxide, which is a nutrient colorant is used as UV protection barrier in nutrient packaging. This happens when Ti dioxide is used in nano signifier ; it besides loses its ability as a nutrient colorant as it becomes crystalline as a Nanoparticle. The usage of nanoparticles of Ag is the most normally used application as an antimicrobic agent which is used in electric refrigerator panels, storage boxes, surfaces which come in contact with nutrient stuffs in nutrient industry therefore increasing safety of the nutrient ( Food safety authorization of Ireland, 2008 ) . Organic nano-particles These are referred to as nanocapsules sometimes as it is used as vehicle for alimentary compounds or Pharmaceutical molecules. These aid present the foods without impacting the gustatory sensation or visual aspect. These encapsulate the atoms which are needed to be delivered and they pass through the GI piece of land and so into the blood stream. This enables to increase their bioavailability ( Food safety authorization of Ireland, 2008 ) . Nano-emulsions These are emulsions which have no difference to normal emulsion except for their stable thermo dynamical belongings. Due to their little size they can be diluted in H2O without altering the droplet size distribution. Some of their applications are bringing of active compounds in the organic structure, stabilisation of biological active ingredients, extension of shelf life due to increase in stableness and increased viscousness at lower concentrations of oil stage ( Food safety authorization of Ireland, 2008 ) . Nanometrology Without dependable methods of measuring, it is impossible to find human or carnal exposure via nutrient or provender. Of specific importance therefore in relation to the nutrient and provender sector and to any possible regulative model is the finding of the physiochemical belongingss of nanoparticles and their measuring in nutrient. Such belongingss include: Atom size Particle distribution Surface country Surface charge and topography Composition and pureness Hydrophobicity and solubility Chemical responsiveness and bioactivity Dispersion/aggregation province. Particularly of import among these belongingss are particle size and distribution, surface country and collection province. Normally, nanoparticle samples contain a scope of atoms, both larger and smaller than the mean or average value, which is frequently the figure really quoted as the atom size. As the atom size lessenings, more molecules are present at the surface giving rise to a larger surface to volume ratio or larger surface country for chemical interaction ( Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 2008 ) . Word picture of Nanoparticles in Biological Matrixs In sing the word picture of nanoparticles in a biological environment, both the consequence of this environment on the nanoparticles and conversely, the consequence of the nanoparticles on the environment must be explored. Engineered nanoparticles, with their really big surface countries, adsorb bio molecules to their surface instantly upon contact with natural substances to organize a bio molecule aureole ( Lynch, 2006 ; Lynch, 2007 ) . These bio molecules include proteins, lipoids and sugars, and it is these adsorbed bio molecules that confer the biological individuality of the nanoparticles, and find how they interact with life systems. Many of the biophysical and biological techniques available to find protein conformation and activity can be applied to the word picture of the nanoparticle bio molecule composite ( Lynch, 2006 ) . A list of techniques presently being used many of which could be applied to/by the Agri-food sector. The surface assimilation of bio molecules to the s urface of engineered nanoparticles can impact their stableness and scattering, and it is of import to besides characterize the scattering belongingss of nanoparticles in the relevant biological environment, e.g. in nutrient. Many of the techniques listed in Appendix II can be applied to the word picture of the scattering stableness of the nanoparticle bio molecule composite ( Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 2008 ) . An extra facet of the surface assimilation of bio molecules to the surface of nanoparticles is the consequence on the conformation of proteins such as enzymes, and besides on their map, stableness, activity and collection province, among other belongingss. There are a figure of illustrations of enhanced enzyme stableness and map following surface assimilation to nanoparticles, for illustration, the life-time of the enzymes Trypsin and Peroxidase was shown to increase dramatically, from a few hours to hebdomads, by attaching them to magnetic Fe nanoparticles ( Sharma, 2007 ) . This ability to heighten protein stableness by interfacing them with nanomaterials may impact legion biological procedures such as digestion, metamorphosis and alimentary consumption. Measurements of enzymatic activity in the presence of nanoparticles should be studied as a precedence ( Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 2008 ) . Measurement of Nanoparticles in Food and other Biological Matrixs The predating paragraphs have shown that a broad scope of physical and chemical techniques are available to characterize nanoparticles, both in the as-synthesised signifier and as nanoparticle bio molecule composites such as would happen in nutrient matrices and upon consumption. While these techniques may be applied to transport out measurings of nanoparticles in the pure signifier, the measuring and quantitation of nanoparticles in nutrient, biological tissues and other biological matrices nowadayss considerable challenges, since suited equipment and measuring schemes are non yet available ( SCENHIR, 2006, 2007 ) . Many nutrient merchandises besides contain considerable sums of of course happening nanoparticles, such as proteins, silicon oxide or hints of Ti dioxide, which makes sensing of added nanoparticles hard, as it regulations out techniques such as elemental function where there are already important background degrees. Techniques such as elemental function can merely be app lied to nanoparticles such as gold and Ag, which are non of course present in nutrients or nutrient packaging stuffs. Measurement of atom mass of nanoparticles in the pristine signifier ( as synthesised ) , is comparatively straightforward, while measuring of the surface country of a given mass of nanoparticles is more hard, as many of the current techniques do non separate to the full between porousness and surface country, e.g. nitrogen surface assimilation. An extra complication is, as already discussed, the really ready collection of nanoparticles that occurs in biological media, ensuing in larger atoms, or even a gradual addition with size as a map of clip. Such collection makes it about impossible to mensurate either atom figure or surface country in biological matrices. These proficient troubles in the measuring of nanoparticles make it correspondingly hard to mensurate the existent exposure in in vitro and in vivo toxicological surveies or in open worlds for hazard appraisal intents ( Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 2008 ) . Problems Associated with Measurement and Characterisation of Nanoparticles The word picture of nanoparticles requires considerable attention and there are many troubles and uncertainnesss, in peculiar with regard to particle collection, size, pureness, and batch fluctuations. The word picture is farther complicated by the incorporation of nanoparticles into biological matrices. This alters their belongingss and requires farther word picture beyond that of the pristine nanoparticle. The surface assimilation of bio molecules to nanoparticle surfaces may hold peculiar effects for nanoparticles in nutrient. For illustration, absorbed enzymes may hold enhanced or reduced activity, ensuing in altered efficiency of digestion and altered nutritionary value of nutrients. It is peculiarly of import to separate between nanoparticles and nanoparticulate sums. Nanoparticles that have been dried during the synthesis procedure are typically irreversibly aggregated, and as such have dimensions on the micrometer graduated table. If the nanoparticles remain in suspension, up on contact with biological fluids, their surface belongingss may be altered by surface assimilation of proteins and other bio molecules, ensuing in altered stableness and collection. Nanoparticles need to be characterised under the conditions in which they will be utilised. While many methods exist to characterize as-synthesised nanoparticles, such as negatron microscopy and dispersing methods, new methodological analysiss are required desperately to characterize nanoparticles in situ in nutrient matrices and nutrient contact stuffs. At present, it is non possible to separate between background degrees of nanoparticles and intentionally added nanoparticles such as silicon oxide dioxide and Ti dioxide. Nevertheless, the nanometrology country is quickly developing, with a conjunct attempt to develop criterions and standard processs for the word picture of nanoparticles and nanoparticle-based systems ( Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 2008 ) . Chapter 3 Nanotechnology from farm to fork The term nanofood describes nutrient which has been cultivated, produced, processed or packaged utilizing nanotechnology techniques or tools, or to which manufactured nanomaterials have been added ( Joseph and Morrison, 2006 ) . So far we have been discoursing about Food safety its importance, Nanotechnology, its aid to nutrient industry and besides came across few instance surveies along with its working. To assist give a clear cut thought about the pros and cons in application of Nanotechnology in nutrients, it is necessary to travel through the farm to fork and this is the portion where we introduce nanotechnology into the nutrient concatenation. The four key countries in nutrient and agricultural industry where Nanotechnology is used on nutrients are: Alteration of seeds, custom-making fertilisers and provenders. Alteration of nutrients. Smart nutrient . Smart boxing . Alteration of seeds, custom-making fertilisers and provenders Nanotechnology combined with familial technology helped agriculture move to a whole new gait which is called as Atomic technology. Atomic technology allows changing or rearranging the Deoxyribonucleic acid of seeds and bring forthing different works belongingss like growing season, coloring material, plague resistant, etc. This widely helps the agricultural workers to bring forth better harvest without worrying about the season or any physical factors that influences growing of the works. The atomic technology besides helps in bring forthing extremely powerful fertilisers and provenders which will slake the thirst of different farms which are of course lacking in minerals which promotes works growing. Alteration of nutrients Certain companies are working on to make bastioned processed nutrients with nano-encapsulation for foods bringing. Taste developers by nano-developed colorss, adjusting of fat and sugar degrees and besides improved mouth feel . This system is besides believed to assist nutritionary claims to a certain degree. For illustration the inclusion of medically good nano-capsules will shortly enable cocoa bit cookies to be marketed as wellness promoting or arteria cleaning. Nanotechnology will besides enable debris nutrients to cut down the sum of sugar or fat content. This could either be done by replacing the fats and sugars with other substance or forestall the organic structure absorbing them ( Georgia Miller, 2008 ) . Smart nutrient Nanotechnology is now used in planing smart nutrients by some extremely graded companies like Kraft and Nestle. These techniques will enable the consumer to personalise their nutrient by altering its coloring material, spirit or foods on demand. Kraft is developing a clear tasteless drink that contains 100s of spirits with the aid of nano encapsulation. A domestic microwave can trip release of the coloring material, spirit, concentration and texture of the person s pick. Smart nutrients can besides feel any nutrient ingredients which could be allergic to the person and so it blocks them. These nutrients besides contain an extra dosage of foods which identifies any particular dietetic demands for the person. For illustration, Ca molecules for people who suffer from osteoporosis ( Georgia Miller, 2008 ) . Smart packing is another find utilizing nanotechnology that will increase nutrient shelf life. Mars Inc. has obtained a patent on unseeable comestible nano negligee which will envelop the nutrient thereby forestalling gas and wet exchange. New developments are being researched in this country like detectors that could place nutrient spoilage and nano anti bugs that could widen shelf life. Besides this system can be used in tracking down nutrients materials by puting nano detectors which are unseeable to human oculus within them and this would besides move as electronic saloon codification so the nutrient could be tracked from the farm to mill to supermarket and beyond. Nanotechnology in Food packaging There are many types of packaging used with the aid of Nanotechnology. A thin movie called Durethan is produced by Chemical elephantine aspirin incorporating Nanoparticles of clay. This thin movie is tough, light and heat resistant. This movie can move as a roadblock for the O and C dioxide to the fresh meat or other nutrient merchandises ( ETC group study, 2004 ) . Another interesting research is done by research workers from Netherland and it is an intelligent packaging in which the bundle releases preservatives when a nutrient within is about to botch ( ETC group study, 2004 ) . Bio-nanocomposites are intercrossed nano-structured stuffs with improved mechanical, thermic and gas barrier belongingss. The usage of bio-nanocomposites for nutrient packaging non merely protects the nutrient and increases its shelf life but besides be considered a more environmentally plastics as packaging stuffs. Most of the traditional packaging stuffs are made from non-degradable stuffs, which increas e environment pollution in add-on to devouring fossil fuels for their production. However, current alternate biodegradable movies exhibit hapless barrier and mechanical belongingss and these belongingss need to be improved well before they could replace traditional plastics and therefore assist to pull off the universe s waste job. Biodegradability of a packaging stuff can be enhanced with the debut of inorganic atoms, such as clay, into the biopolymeric matrix and can besides be controlled with wetting agents that are used for the alteration of superimposed silicate. The used of inorganic atoms besides makes it possible to present multiple functionalities, which might assist to better the bringing of delicate micronutrients within comestible capsules ( Sozer et al. , 2009 ) . Another attack to better the belongingss of biodegradable movies is the usage of intercrossed organic-inorganic systems and, in peculiar, those incorporating superimposed silicates. Hybrid complexs, such as superimposed silicates embedded in a polymeric matrix, better stableness and their biodegradability can be all right tuned by changing the sum of dissolvers used, which might further spread out the possible utilizations of comestible and biodegradable movies ( Sozer et al. , 2009 ) . Zein, a prolamin and the major constituent of maize protein, has been an of import in scientific discipline and industry owing to its alone belongingss and molecular construction. By fade outing zein, either in ethyl alcohol or in propanone, biodegradable zein movies with good tensile and H2O barrier belongingss can be obtained. Nanotechnology attacks are expected in to give new applications for zein in forte nutrients and in the biodegradable plastics industry. Zein can organize a net consisting of c annular constructions, which can be microbiologically immune and inert, for illustration, after intervention with methanal. However, zein nanobeads or nanoparticles can be used as comestible bearers for flavour compounds or for encapsulation of nutraceuticals, every bit good as to better the strength of plastic and bioactive nutrient bundles. Controling the uniformity and organisation of zein movies at the nanolevel are important in footings of mechanical and tensile belongingss. In an effort to command the surface morphology of zein movies, Shi et Al. tested different dissolvers and found that movies generated in acetic acid were smoother and structurally more homogeneous than movies obtained from ethyl alcohol as a dissolver ( Sozer et al. , 2009 ) . One possibility to increase the barrier belongingss of zein polymer is intervention with stable silicate composites like montmorillonite, hectorite and saponite. These thrombocyte like structured silicate composites disperse in polymer matrixes and are hence able to better their strength, stiffness and H2O and gas permeableness even at low degrees of 1-5 vol % . Silicates consist of crystalline beds with 1nm in thickness and a diameter scope of 30-2000 nanometers. The silicate beds in nanocomposites are able to command the diffusion rate through their agonizing tract. They can aggregate within the matrix in three different signifiers, as phase-separated, intercalated or exfoliated nanocomposites. Exfoliated nanocomposites have the greatest ability to better the tensile strength of the movie in which they are incorporated. Nanoscale fillers normally consist of nanofibers, nano-whiskers or nanotubes but can besides be made out of solid-layered silicate constructi

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Market Model Patterns of Change Instructions Essay

Market Model Patterns of Change Instructions - Essay Example Market Model Patterns of Change Instructions The production of petroleum by the industry especially, in USA has introduced a large distributor to the total petroleum in the global economy. Meanwhile, it is a non-renewable energy substance that can be extracted from the world after a certain period and converted into usable fuel. Therefore, the price of the petroleum is obtained by the demand –supply mechanism around the world economy, and slight shortage of petroleum can affect its demand and supply of other possible industries in the market. According to Galbraith (2001), when the monopoly power is practiced by an industry at a moment in time, and the degree of monopoly fluctuates, the industry specific product price will also change. In case, the pattern of change through time can be the indicator of comparison and disparity in economic performance in the petroleum industry. The petroleum was an example of monopolies to be affected in anti-trust action by the US government, and resulted into development of smaller comp anies. The industry expanded by increasing sales and undertaking major acquisitions, and after buying competitive industries in the market, the industries shut down those believed to be inefficient and kept the most powerful. The industry has involved in the discriminatory practices in order to have monopoly power over pipe lines. It also applied unfair practices of cutting local prices at the point where the competitors were severely affected. Technological changes bring the pattern changes in the firm because it is much simple to outsource both service and manufacturing to distributors in other countries. The increased competition promotes the pressure of industry to attain lower units’ costs as a means of maintaining market share. Finally, the nature of the industry trade patterns has undergone importance changes in order to have permission to issue licenses and permits in distributive trade market. Short-Run and Long-Run Behaviors of Monopoly An industry with monopoly mar ket model is considered to have price setting power, and it will strive to earn high levels of profit (Galbraith, 2001). However, the industry is limited by the position of its demand curve that means monopoly cannot set price that clients cannot afford. Petroleum Industry is the sole supplier in an industry, and it takes market demand curve as its own demand curve. Therefore, it faces a downward sloping average revenues (AR) curve with a marginal revenue (MR) curve twice the gradient of AR (McEachern, 2011). In the monopoly, there is optimum firm determined by long run profit maximization in relation to the market. According to McEachern (2011) the short run average total cost curve is tangent to the horizontal, and long run average cost curve is always at its minimum point. In the short run, if the demand for the petroleum products is high, the industry will increase the price and the quantity of the products. The industry can achieve this by increasing output by employing more la bor and raw materials, but cannot change the fixed plant. According to McEachern (2011) the long run industry curve is horizontal because when demand increases, raising prices and profits for monopoly industry. As a result, there is an increase in supply prices, pushing prices back down to original in the level in the long run, so that the profits are zero. Therefore, the shifting demand and supply curves trace out a horizontal long run industry supply curve. Areas for the Industry That Could Lead To Transaction Costs There are various transaction costs that the petroleum

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci - Essay Example The Mona Lisa wasn’t considered as Leonardo’s most important work during his time but as the years passed it was considered to be important in the history of art. During the time of Leonardo, many artists and contemporaries fail even to comment on the painting, until an artist named Vasari did, which leads other artists to give their attention to the painting. Vasari caught his attention on the skill of Leonardo which is the subject of admiration or she was focused more on the technical part of the painting. The painting was one of the reasons for new thoughts and techniques for the artists of the Renaissance period. Through this painting da Vinci was able to introduce a form of accomplishing realism. He used sfumato, chiaroscuro and atmospheric perspective, shadow painting which molds composition. Chiaroscuro has the capability to provide lifelike objects. Leonardo had proven that by blurring the edges and the light that strike them will blend the forms and provide lif elike objects. Sfumato has the ability to hold space to the objects’ depth and be a mysterious environment. Atmospheric is one the techniques that had been introduced through this painting. This kind of technique is more on â€Å"optical phenomena that a structure mathematical system† (Kleiner 547). The hues are more bluish and paler, the outlines are less precise, the small details are lost, and the color contrasts are muted. Through these techniques, Leonardo was able to give the other artists a thing to be handed down.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Writing a Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing a Business Plan - Essay Example The cell phones will be widely used by all members and for all purposes of communication as they will have been tested by the relevant authorities to ensure that they do not pose health problems to the users. The plan of starting up a cell phone recycling company was occasioned by the recent developments reported by the United Nations with regards to endangered species in various parts of the world caused by human activities conducted to encourage the production of cell phones. The cell phones produced by the company will cater for average citizens who spend heavily in purchasing phones yearly. The cell phones will tremendously help them to cut their expenses in purchasing phones while at the same time conserving the environment. Secondly, the cell phones will also cater for underprivileged individuals as they will obtain them at an affordable cost The main competitors will be other companies dealing in the same line of cell phone recycling. However, the company will have a competitive advantage over them because of highly trained staffs, more financial incentives and providing customers with a means of mailing or transporting their used cell phones and electronics within the company’s premises free of charge. The cell phones will be extremely effective as they will have the latest technology updates. The shape of the design will be different from those of existing cell phones to give it uniqueness over other phones. The cell phones will also be developed within months and will be launched in the markets in six months time by a team of highly trained engineers with a specialty in different fields. The main source of revenue for the company will be from the sales of the cell phones. It will also involve the donations given to the company by Non-governmental organizations and other well wishers keen on conserving the environment. The prices for the cell phone will be cheaper compared

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Heart Rate Changes In Different Genders Physical Education Essay

Heart Rate Changes In Different Genders Physical Education Essay This report sets out research based on prior experience and literature carrying out the study of relations between exercise and respiration eventually resulting in variation in pulse rate. In essence the research proposal seeks to understand more about the effect and cause relationship to come out with precise results. The report details the methodological issues connected with the research and it explores the choices and assumptions necessary in planning the research. The aim of the study was to see the effect of age and gender on pulse rate variation in response to exercise. For this investigation we made sure the practical is safe because we would not do things that would affect people and also we would not be dangerous to others. We needed to use pulse-meter to check pulse rate down every finding. In our research it was expected that the pulse rate would increase during the time of exercise and also the breathing rate would be faster than normal and that gender and age would affe ct the pulse rate of people. The weights (dumbles) were given to the subjects to use for five minute and one of us assisted them to make sure they used the weights properly. The pulse rate was noted down before the experiment with the help of pulse meter and was recorded again after carrying out the five minute round of exercise with the weights. The ages and gender were also noted. The results of the experiment proved that the pulse rate increased by a substantial amount after the exercise had been completed and that females had a higher pulse rate than men. Moreover, it was seen that age mens ages increase, their pulse rate increases and there was no correlation between females ages and their pulse rates. This experiment tests the effects of age, gender and exercise on pulse  rate. Pulse rate represents the beating of the heart, specifically the  ejection of blood from the left ventricle to the general circulation of the body.  Before the start of exercise, your pre-exercise heart rate usually  rises  above normal, and this is called an anticipatory response. During  exercise, respiration increases based on the amount of activity being  done. When exercise is being completed, there is an increased demand  for gas exchange, due to the circulatory system being under continuous  stress. Oxygen consumption increases rapidly, as well as carbon dioxide  production.  Regular exercise also produces changes in circulation. The blood flow  to working muscles increase, and this means that more oxygen and  energy can be delivered to the muscle cells. Blood volume and the  number of red blood cells also increase with this large flow, and  oxygen  levels rise conside rably.  In our experiment we have decided to test a type of exercise;  use of weight (dumbles). This will affect various parts of the body and is designed  to  build up stamina and keep a regular heart beat. Objective This experiment aims to discover how exercise can  affect the pulse rate of any given individual by testing their pulse  rate after different amounts of exercise and how gender and age affects the pulse rate. Literature Review Research has shown that the pulse rate of men is slower than the pulse rate for women. Different researches have been conducted on the effect of exercise on the health of human being. The studies were intended to examine the influence of exercise on pulse rate, heart rate and fitness of people. Experts from cardiac health suggest that the best way to keep hearts healthy is a balanced diet, avoiding smoking, and regular exercise. Exercise that is good for your heart elevates your heart rate. The American Heart Association recommends to do exercise that increases your heart rate to between 50 and 75% of your maximum heart rate. They recommend getting at least 30  minutes of exercise on most days of the week (AHA, 2006). The American Heart Association also suggests that pulse rate for woman is considered normal if it is between 70-80 beats per minute. However, pulse rate may be affected by variables such as age, sex, physical fitness, some drugs/medication, genetics and anxiety. A study of (WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise) revealed that your pulse changes from minute to minute. It will be faster when you exercise, have fever or when you are under stress. It will be slower when you are taking rest. The institute also did an experiment to see the pulse rate difference in males and females. The results of the experiment were that the pulse rate of the females was in fact higher than the male pulse rate by six beats.   The overall female average was 85 beats per minute and the overall for males was 79 beats per minute. Scott Roberts, Ph.D., FACSM, FAACVPR, is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Physiology at California State University, Chico. His primary area of expertise is Clinical Exercise Physiology. He has authored and co-authored 10 fitness and exercise science books and over a hundred articles and chapters in books. His studies tell that women have a higher Heart Rate response than men. This response compensates for the lower stroke volumes women have compared to men. The average amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute is referred to as cardiac output. Another research by the American Journal of hypertension concluded that there was no influence of the exercise on pulse rate, blood pressure level and rates of hypertension of the elderly population of ages 50 and above. But the research showed that regular exercise can develop better health and fitness in the younger population. According to (Silverstein, Alvin Dr., et al, The Circulatory System Canada; Fitzhenrey and Whiteside Ltd.  1994), age also affects the pulse rate.   The usual pulse rate for a baby embryo is 150 b.p.m. (beats per minute).The average pulse rate of an infant140 b.p.m and 90 b.p.m in seven years old.   A man from 30-40 years old usually has a pulse rate of approximately 72 b.p.m; this differs from 76-80 b.p.m for a woman of the same age.   Elderly people have the lowest of the other age groups, which is around 50-65 b.p.m.   Women usually have higher pulse rates than men.   Another difference among pulse rates is physical activity. Exercising, such as playing sports, speed your pulse rate up and almost double the speed of your heart.   A study from Brigham and Womens Hospital also conveys the message that the human health can be judged by four vital signs which are Pulse rate, Body temperature, Respiration rate and the Blood pressure. All of these signs can be controlled and regulated by doing regular exercise. Like all other researches Texas Heart Institute also came up with a thought that exercise can help your body in many ways. Aside from helping you to keep a healthy body weight, exercise increases your mobility, protects against bone loss, reduces your stress levels and pulse rates, and helps you feel better about yourself. And research has shown that people who exercise are less likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. People of any age or fitness level can benefit from some type of exercise, be it running, walking, ballroom dancing, water aerobics, gardening, or any activity you choose. A study from NEMA (National Emergency Medicine Association) shows that many athletes have pulse rates in the 40 60 range depending on how fit they are. In general a lower pulse rate is good and exercise programs helps doing so. In addition to that declines will be seen in resting heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels as well. Overall body changes will also be experienced including weight loss and increase of lean body mass. Hypothesis Development Null Hypothesis H0 = There is no relationship between the age, gender and pulse rate. HO: p à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   0 Alternative Hypothesis HA = There is a relationship between the age, gender and pulse rate. HA: p = 0 Theoretical Framework The dependent variable here is the pulse rate which changes when exercise is carried out. So, exercise, gender and age are the independent variables which can be manipulated to determine the change in pulse rate. Some intervening variable also interrupt the independent variable and create a discrepancy in the results. Identification of Variables Independent Exercise Age Gender Dependent Pulse Rate Intervening variables Such as illness, faulty tools etc. DIAGRAM Dependent Variable Independent Variables Age Gender Exercise Pulse Rate Intervening Variables illness, faulty tools Methodology Nature Of study the nature of the study is hypothesis testing. Data Collection The data for our research was obtained through experiment and some secondary sources of information, which included internet articles, journals and books. Population Our target population consisted of males and females living in Lahore. Sample The sample comprises of 1070 people, half males and half females. Instruments The instruments used were two dumbles weighing 5 kg each, a stopwatch and a pulse meter. Procedure: The methodology was based on field Experiment research. 1070 people (half males and half females) were approached in different parks and market areas of Lahore. Convenience sampling was used i.e(willing people were chosen to be a part of the experiment). Their pulse rates were recorded before exercise. They were each asked to use lift two weights of 5 kg each for five minutes. Their pulse rate after the exercise was then recorded using the pulse meter. Their age and gender was recorded. The results were then recorded in SPSS and conclusions were drawn based on the collected results. Reliability The reliability of the instruments was ensured through test-retest method. For test-retest reliability method five males from the sample were chosen. Their pulse rate before exercise was recorded twice after a time interval of two minutes. The results obtained in both the attempts co-related to a high degree (Co-efficient=0.87). Validity The content validity is ensured since the pulse meter is measuring the pulse of a person per minute. Results The results of the experiment are as follows: Descriptives: The results show that the mean values of pulse rate in males are lower than the mean values of the pulse rate in females. This shows that females have a higher pulse rate than men. The results also prove that the pulse rate increases after exercise, as the means of the pulse rates before exercise are lower than the means of the pulse rates after exercise. N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Without Exercise male 1070 55 105 85.09 10.227 With Exercise male 1070 82 144 116.03 13.118 Valid N (listwise) 1070 N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation With Exercise Female 535 96 144 120.41 10.060 Without Exercise Female 535 70 105 92.19 6.373 Valid N (listwise) 535 Correlation: The table below shows a weak positive correlation between age of males and their pulse rate without exercise. This means that as the ages of males increase, their pulse rate increases. The value is significant. Age Without Exercise pulse Age male Pearson Correlation 1 .270(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 535 535 Without Exercise pulse males Pearson Correlation .270(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 535 535 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). The table below shows that there is almost no correlation between the age of females and their pulse rate without exercise. This means that the two variables are not related. Age Female Without Exercise pulse Age Female Pearson Correlation 1 .043 Sig. (2-tailed) .317 N 535 535 Without Exercise pulse female Pearson Correlation .043 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .317 N 535 535 Graphical representation of results Discussion We are of the view that when the body is exercising the muscles respire to  produce energy, so the muscles can contract. Oxygen is needed for this  process; the oxygen is carried in the hemoglobin of the red blood  cell. The heart and lungs need to work harder in order to get a  greater amount of oxygen to the muscles for respiration. In muscle cells digested food substances are oxidized to release energy. These  oxidation reactions are called cellular respiration. When muscles use  oxygen in order to respire the process is called aerobic respiration:  The heart rate rises because during exercise, cell respiration in the  muscles increases, so the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises.  Carbon dioxide is slightly acid; the brain detects the rising acidity  in the blood, the brain then sends a signal through the nervous system  to the lungs to breathe faster and deeper. Gaseous exchange in the  lungs increases allowing more oxygen into the circulatory syst em and removing more carbon dioxide. The brain then sends a signal to the  senatorial node to make the heart beat faster. As a result the heart  rate would rise.  The length of exercise is  increased; the number of beats per minute will rise. The number of  beats per minute rises steadily because the amount of exercise is gradually increased. The heart reacts to this by increasing the number  of times per minute that it beats so that the muscles have enough  oxygen and glucose to work with the greater amount of exercise. In a trial the body temperature of the  exerciser will rise. The heat of the body will increase the heart  rate which will adversely affect our results, making them less  accurate and reliable. We cannot control if the body heats up during  exercise, only to the extent of using a fan to cool the epidermis of  the skin which would lower the temperature of the blood, thus reducing  the bodys core temperature. This would then keep the heart ra te at a  more natural level when a sample will be exercising. The intervening variables which may act at the point of time and are hard to calculate may affect the findings but we are trying to minimize the chance of error by taking measures. Although exercise increases pulse rate, age and gender definitely have an impact on it also. We saw that as age in men increases, their pulse rate also increases, whereas in females, there is no correlation between the age and pulse rates. Moreover, the mean values of pulse rates for females are higher than the mean values of pulse rates for men. Acknowledgements Our debt to people who have supported us in this whole project is enormous. We highly appreciate their complete support, interest, patience and lucid explanations. We highly appreciate the coordination of individuals most of whom we didnt know who cooperated and showed their consent to complete our research. We are really thankful to Mr. Humair Hashmi who taught and led us to the path of attaining a successful Research. References AHA, 2006. Target Heart Rates, American Heart Association [accessed June 20, 2006 WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise American Journal of Hypertension Brigham and womens Hospital,P00866 Texas Heart Institute NEMA (National Emergency Medicine Association)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How can Gatsby be called Great Essay -- F. Scott Fitzgerald Great Gats

The title of F Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ can be seen as incredibly ironic: not only can the ‘greatness’ of the eponymous character be vehemently contested, he is not even named ‘Gatsby’. In fact, he is a criminal, James Gatz, who, although he appears to be an epitome of the idealistic American Dream, having grown from an impoverished childhood into a life of excess and splendour, he has obtained everything through crime and corruption. Indeed, it has been said that ‘The Great Gatsby’ is â€Å"a parable of disenchantment with the ‘American Dream’† , and it is, for the American Dream is the idea that â€Å"through hard work, courage and determination, one could achieve prosperity.† James Gatz did not obtain his prosperous lifestyle through â€Å"hard work†, but rather through felony. Of course, it may seem that he ‘worked hard’ for it, and there is no disputing hi s determination and perhaps even his courage, but the â€Å"hard work† on which the American Dream is based is not the work of criminals. Of course, we cannot deny that Gatsby has achieved a great deal in his lifetime, all, apparently, in the name of love. Indeed the narrator of the story, Nick Carraway, describes Gatsby as having â€Å"an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person†, and this forms the basis of his opening argument for the greatness of Gatsby. We must, however, examine the reliability of the narrator. Nick says himself that he is â€Å"inclined to reserve all judgement†, but then quickly goes on to say how â€Å"it has a limit†, that he cannot reserve judgement on everyone, and also that Gatsby was â€Å"exempt from my reaction†, following this with how Gatsby â€Å"represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn†,... ...l of Daisy, either. After all, Nick himself says that â€Å"Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply†, and one can assume that this would also be true for Daisy: Wilson would not have shot Daisy as he does Gatsby: it would appear that his â€Å"romantic readiness† was eventually the cause of his murder. The fact that he was killed by Wilson is deeply ironic: the underdog, the only poor character we see in the novel, running a â€Å"bare†, â€Å"whitewashed† garage under the god-like eyes of â€Å"Doctor T. J Eckleburg†, kills the prosperous, rich, idealistic hero, showing not only the â€Å"disenchantment of the ‘American Dream’†, but also that there really is no place for Jay Gatsbys in the world: the qualities which Nick perceives as â€Å"great† slowly pave the way for his defeat. Was Gatsby â€Å"great†? No, he was simply naively idealistic in a society completely deficient in morality. How can Gatsby be called Great Essay -- F. Scott Fitzgerald Great Gats The title of F Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ can be seen as incredibly ironic: not only can the ‘greatness’ of the eponymous character be vehemently contested, he is not even named ‘Gatsby’. In fact, he is a criminal, James Gatz, who, although he appears to be an epitome of the idealistic American Dream, having grown from an impoverished childhood into a life of excess and splendour, he has obtained everything through crime and corruption. Indeed, it has been said that ‘The Great Gatsby’ is â€Å"a parable of disenchantment with the ‘American Dream’† , and it is, for the American Dream is the idea that â€Å"through hard work, courage and determination, one could achieve prosperity.† James Gatz did not obtain his prosperous lifestyle through â€Å"hard work†, but rather through felony. Of course, it may seem that he ‘worked hard’ for it, and there is no disputing hi s determination and perhaps even his courage, but the â€Å"hard work† on which the American Dream is based is not the work of criminals. Of course, we cannot deny that Gatsby has achieved a great deal in his lifetime, all, apparently, in the name of love. Indeed the narrator of the story, Nick Carraway, describes Gatsby as having â€Å"an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person†, and this forms the basis of his opening argument for the greatness of Gatsby. We must, however, examine the reliability of the narrator. Nick says himself that he is â€Å"inclined to reserve all judgement†, but then quickly goes on to say how â€Å"it has a limit†, that he cannot reserve judgement on everyone, and also that Gatsby was â€Å"exempt from my reaction†, following this with how Gatsby â€Å"represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn†,... ...l of Daisy, either. After all, Nick himself says that â€Å"Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply†, and one can assume that this would also be true for Daisy: Wilson would not have shot Daisy as he does Gatsby: it would appear that his â€Å"romantic readiness† was eventually the cause of his murder. The fact that he was killed by Wilson is deeply ironic: the underdog, the only poor character we see in the novel, running a â€Å"bare†, â€Å"whitewashed† garage under the god-like eyes of â€Å"Doctor T. J Eckleburg†, kills the prosperous, rich, idealistic hero, showing not only the â€Å"disenchantment of the ‘American Dream’†, but also that there really is no place for Jay Gatsbys in the world: the qualities which Nick perceives as â€Å"great† slowly pave the way for his defeat. Was Gatsby â€Å"great†? No, he was simply naively idealistic in a society completely deficient in morality.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Personal Ethics Essay

When faced with a decision which requires an ethical framework, my usual pattern of decision making follows a pattern of reflection and introspection. The introspective element is both cerebral, that is: based in a rational analysis of the issue or matter at hand, and also intuitive, of which is to some degree an assessment of the emotional components of the decision at hand. However, intuitive introspection, at least in my opinion, transcends the boundaries of rationality as we understand it, and it even transcends our understanding of emotional responses, so intuition, although critical to my own decision making process is a slightly difficult aspect to illuminate. I once read the following paradigm somewhere. The origin of the paradigm is lost to my present memory, but the paradigm was this: whenever you are faced with a truly perplexing â€Å"yes or no† or â€Å"do or don’t† or â€Å"either or† decision, and you really can’t seem to make up your mind, flip a coin and assign â€Å"heads† to one outcome, and â€Å"tails† to the other. Now, when the result of the coin flip is shown, assess your feeling about the result and you will see what you wanted to do all along. In other words, say your choice is between going to a movie or playing a video game with your friends online. You can’t make up your mind which would be abetter choice, so you flip the coin, assigning â€Å"heads† to going to the movie, and â€Å"tails† to playing video games, vowing to abide by the result. Now, let’s assume the result of the coin flip is â€Å"tails† — staying home to play video games — and you feel excited, pleased and happy right away without thinking. Then staying in is what you wanted all along. If the coin-flip result of â€Å"tails† — staying home to play video games — made you want to flip the coin again for a different result, then you would know the same thing, that what you actually wanted to do was stay home and not go out to the movie. That is not to say that I make my decisions, trivial or profound, based on a coin flip! What I am driving at is that we often have intuitive feelings that lurk below the level of our rational consciousness and we can access this intuition in some cases when making decisions. As someone who has little faith in absolute ethical systems, or in a morality which is based on abstract philosophy, I like to include my own feelings, as well as my rational understanding of ethical concepts when I am faced with decisions. The underlying principles which inform the way I live my life are also drawn from the aforementioned notion of intuition or deep-introspection. For example, if I refuse a certain job offer, or even the offer of friendship on specific occasions this may have less to do with something which could be expressed in a linear fashion: the job was too demeaning, or that person had the wrong hair-style or hobby, but with something that might be more difficult to articulate clearly, but which is much more crucial than any superficial notions that might be viewed by some as important gauges or cues. In short, I don’t have any kind of â€Å"maxim† or concrete set of principles — edicts, I believe they are called — but rather a sense of personal disposition and emotional bearing. For example, I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings; viscerally: I just do not like to witness their pain so I avoid doing so when I can manage it. On the other hand, I take a rather dim view of altruism or the notion of helping people or giving them charity. I feel awkward placing myself in a position where I am apt to start pitying or feeling sorry for people; I myself dislike being pitied or felt sorry for, so I guess I assume it is the same for others. I tend to adopt the pursuit of happiness and personal joy (not to be confused with hedonism) as key aspects of my world view. That is, I am, at heart, an optimist who dislikes â€Å"whining† and cynicism and the pursuit of superficial self-gratification at the expense of others. That certainly does not mean that I advocate â€Å"selflessness† — whatever that term may indicate as a way of life, but rather, that I view joy, success, and fulfillment at least to some degree to be communal in nature. It is necessary that all acknowledge that everyone is a part of the human experience, no matter who or what they are. there are no exceptions. In my work, I try very hard to be both competent and respectful of those who I work with and for — but I often find it difficult to refrain from voicing my opinions, especially when I believe there is a possibility that my input may be helpful. I realize that work is a primary form of self-expression and self-fulfillment in life. My idea is that most people either love their jobs and derive a large part of their self-identity and worldly power through their jobs, or they hate their jobs and are constricted, limited, and oppressed by them. So, to my mind, it is crucial that you endeavor as much as possible to find a job that puts you in the former rather than the latter category because so much of life keys off of one’s work. One thing that I am convinced about is that everyone should bring the same emotional involvement and enthusiasm to their jobs as they very often bring to their hobbies, just as I believe most people should try to bring the same level of integrity and competence to their personal relationships as is usually required by their jobs. Obviously, I would not advocate the pursuit of money as a reliable indicator of whether or not a job is the right or wrong job. It is much more important that a job facilitate one’s sense of self-esteem and emotional security than whether or not the financial rewards are above and beyond â€Å"fair. † That said, a fair salary is always indicated because without it, maintaining self-respect and self-esteem is made more difficult. While there is no single â€Å"litmus test† for whether or not one’s work is the right work for them, the emotional and intuitive aspects of decision making can help as much in assessing a job’s strengths and weaknesses as a cold rational evaluation of the facts.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Blair Witch Project Essays

The Blair Witch Project Essays The Blair Witch Project Essay The Blair Witch Project Essay Essay Topic: Film , The Blair Witch Project can be said to be a landmark in the history of the horror film. It introduced a new kind of horror, as it gave us the story of real people in real situation filming real events. This had not been done before, and it scared people in a completely different way than previous horror films. It brought back the audience screams that came about during screenings of Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho (1960.) It is said that people watching The Blair Witch Project were vomiting and passing out during the screening. For the first time in a horror film, the entire film was filmed on hand held camera. This added extraordinary realism to the film as there was no script, only scene direction. Even more strangely, the actors in the film did all the filming themselves, which was totally unheard of until this film was released. Again, this can be seen as disturbing for the viewer as the aspect of realism is even more evident. The Blair Witch Project was an independent film produced by Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick. The story revolves around three film students filming a documentary on the myth of The Blair Witch. Subsequently, they disapeer whilst filming the documentary, and the footage they filmed was found a year later in a duffel bag also containing empty film cans, and personal items. This footage is what is shown in the film. The Blair Witch Project was created extremely well as Sanchez and Myrick only had a budget of $25,000 and eight days to film, using low cost 16mm black and white film. On the closing day of the film at cinemas across the globe, the film had taken an estimated $140,000,000. Making it the most successful film of its kind. Sanchez and Myrick chose not to use a script, but to intentionally scare their actors, and film what reactions they received. It is said that on one night of filming, when the actors were asleep in their tent, Sanchez and Myrick went up to the tent and played a recording of children screaming and crying and banged the sides ofd the tent in. the reaction of the actors is great. They get out of the tent and run off into the woods screaming and shouting. This is just one example of how Sanchez and Myrick developed a new kind of filming. Even more cleverly, a website was set up in 1998, which included TV reports of three missing film students in the woods near to Burketsville, interviews with the family of the students, aswell as with members of the search party sent out to look for them. Scientific analysts were also interviewed. They gave their views on what was found in the duffel bag. Photographs of the students and places they visited can also be seen on the website. Even posters were put up around the USA informing people of the students disappearance . Although the town of Burketsville is fictional, the town that was used for filming has received thousands of visitors thanks to the success of The Blair Witch Project .All of the above made people believe that the film was true and that three students had actually gone missing. This website received over 50,000,000 hits even before the film had been released. As, you can expect, with all the hype surrounding the film, a large amount of money was taken on the films opening weekend. $1,500,000 to be exact. The actors used in the film used their real names to add realism to the story. If they had been given false names then the USA might not have believed the story to be true. According to the website The Blair Witch Project is the scariest film ever produced. They claim that because the film plays with your mind, you are more likely to be effected by it rather than if it was a film with lots of blood and gore content. They also go on to say that because many boy scouts and families go camping in the woods, it has an unbelievable effect on the USA. As, the film is filmed in a real environment, such boy scouts and families have visited such places and this helps the reality of the film to hit home hard. The Blair Witch Project can be said to have re-invented the horror genre as it can be held responsible for the rise in audience figures for horror films post Blair Witch Project. E.g. Freddy Vs Jason has just been knocked of the top of the box office chart after a month at the top. So, who knows what the future holds for horror? I anticipate that more experimental films will be produced following the success of The Blair Witch Project, helping to keep the genre alive and as strong as ever.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Why I like Rimowa suitcases Essays

Why I like Rimowa suitcases Essays Why I like Rimowa suitcases Paper Why I like Rimowa suitcases Paper Many people love traveling, and there are many fabulous moments in their travel. When you go traveling, you must bring your luggage or suitcase. The suitcase will be your best friend to protect your things and to share the memories from your trips. I think that one of best suitcase brands for me is Rimowa. The reason why this brand became so popular is not because many people were using Rimowa, or many magazines showed photos about famous celebrities using Rimowa. In my opinion, the reasons are because of Rimowa’s fabulous design, practicality, and good warranty. As with most of famous brands, Rimowa has a long history. Rimowa has over 100 years of experience in making suitcases. Rimowa’s first suitcase was made by Paul Morszeck in Germany, and it was made from wood. In 1950, Rimowa created the main feature of the ribbing style. Even now over seventy years later, it’s still the classic design. In other words, Rimowa knows how to make good baggage. Why is the experience so important? I believe people are dedicated to work for a long time, and they will learn how to become a professional in their careers. Rimowa has focused on making luggage for over one century. They know what their customers need and how to make suitcases for superior do the competition. For example, my uncle has been a Chinese cook for thirty years, and all of his family members have been cooks back to his grandfather, so he knows how to cook Chinese food very well. People have different tastes, but my uncle can satisfy them. Not only is his food is tasty but also healthy. Those are some reasons why everyone likes to go to his restaurant. This is the same for Rimowa. People who travel a lot have to put everything they need into a suitcase. This company knows customers need good-looking luggage that is also practical. Rimowa’s suitcases are light, stable, waterproof, cold-resistant, and heat-resistant. The weight of Rimowa suitcases are very light so you can put more item, and they are also sturdy. In 1937, Richard Morszeck created the first aluminum suitcase. At first, aluminum was used to build German airplanes. This material makes suitcases lighter and more rugged. We can carry many more things and dont need to worry about damaged suitcases. The new Rimowa suitcases are made of new materials such as polycarbonate and aluminum-magnesium alloy. Some features of the two materials they are lightweight, stable, high tolerance for temperature and are waterproof. Wherever you go traveling, you just need Rimowa luggage. You dont need to worry about your suitcases getting wet on a rainy day, airport staff throwing around it, and the temperature changing too fast. For instance, my dad has to go on business trips many times a year. He doesnt have time to leave his suitcases at the hotel, so he just visits his clients with them. He went to Thailand last time, and it was the rainy season. His business partner’s suitcases were totally wet, and their clothes in the suitcases were also wet. How about my dad? His Rimowa suitcase protected his stuff, so he didn’t get in any trouble. Although Rimowa suitcases have many advantages that make it better than other luggage brands, the best advantage is that Rimowa gives customers a five year warranty. Many other labels just give a two year warranty. The first thing I consider before I purchase items is warranty. I am a terrible and unlucky person because I always buy the defective product and I dont know it at the time of purchase. A good warranty for me is necessary. My suitcases’ job is to protect my stuff and my job is to keep my travel items in good condition. Sometimes it is unavoidable that able a suitcase breaks, so who knows what will happen? In conclusion, Rimowa makes a fashion suitcase that also can bear cold, heat, bumps, and water. Some people may say Rimowa is just a suitcase, but it’s not only a suitcase for me. It’s a suitcase with a long history that can carry my memories about with high technology, fashion, and usefulness. As Rimowa’s slogan says, â€Å"Every case tells a story†. My case tells my own story. Citation

Monday, November 4, 2019

Childrens misconceptions in mathematics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Childrens misconceptions in mathematics - Essay Example By recognizing the weak points of students and then immediately working on those weak areas is an important task. Usually teachers do help their students by only telling them that where actually they are lacking. This is not a correct way to help a student. Every student requires special kind of attention and they can only gain that particular attention by taking help from their supervisors or teachers. There are different kinds of misconceptions. Some students find difficulty while solving mathematical related problems, while some students face problems while solving geometrical parts, while there are some students who face a lot of problems while working on digits. (Fischbein, page 225, 1987) For instance some children will for sure blind that 3.27 is bigger than 7.6 because its got more digits. But why? Because during the first few years of their education, they only come across the whole numbers where the digits rule and value does work. They only know that if there are more digits then the figure is the bigger one. This is one of the biggest misconceptions which most of the students have and their teachers are also not focusing on this misconception. One of the biggest flaw which we have in our learning society is that we usually teach our students in a wrong way when they are in their growing age. Students when are in their growing age needs more attention and what so ever they will be taught will be in their mind forever. Therefore it is very much important to know that how actually students are being taught at their beginning age. If we look at another example, there are many students who face a lot of problems while recognizing the shapes. This is only because at their beginning age they were taught that shapes can be easily recognized when teacher draw four sided square or a triangle or an isosceles triangle. But then if those shapes are drawn in different direction, students usually find it difficult to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Project Management - Essay Example ys 26 days 542 days 114 days 68% User requirements 214 days 120 days -6 days 114 days 0 days 100% Staff recruitment 48 days 40 days 8 days 48 days 0 days 100% Decoration 194 days 170 days 24 days 180 days 14 days 85% Staff training 60 days 60 days 0 days 0 days 60 days 0% Raising funds 40 days 40 days 0 days 0 days 40 days 0% Table 3: Schedule Variance for Kindergarten Planning Task Name Start Finish Late Start Late Finish Slack (Free) Slack (Total) Kindergarten planning 3/12 5/3 3/12 5/21 11.83 days 11.83 days User requirements 3/12 3/23 3/12 3/23 0 days 0 days Staff recruitment 3/26 3/30 3/26 3/30 0 days 0 days Location 4/2 4/11 4/2 4/27 0 days 11.83 days Decoration 4/11 5/1 4/27 5/17 0 days 11.83 days Raising funds 5/1 5/3 5/17 5/21 11.83 days 11.83 days The bottom bar of the tracking Gantt chart depicts the planned schedule for the tasks. The top bar indicates the actual performance and the percent complete for the tasks. Figure 1: Gantt chart tracking of Kindergarten Planning Se ction 3: PERT/CPM Analysis of kindergarten planning project In PERT/CPM analysis, three estimates are used namely; optimistic time denoted by (o), most likely time denoted by (m), pessimistic time denoted by (p). It provides a basis for establishing project variance and mean for each activity in the kindergarten planning. The activity is given by mean (Mean) = (o + 4m + p)/6; while its variance is; activity (Variance) = ((p - o)/6)2. The value obtained is the z-value which establishes the duration of the project in percentages. Table 3: Activity Variances and Mean Times ID Activity Optimistic time (days) Most likely (days) Pessimistic (days) A User requirements 18 21 23 B Staff recruitment 32 36 41 C Raising funds 47 51 55 D Decoration 47 55 57 E Staff training 8 10 14 Expected completion time Activity Expected completion time(days) Variance (days) User requirements 20.8 -0.2 Staff recruitment 36.2 0.2 Raising funds 51 0 Decoration 54 -1 Staff training 10.3 0.3 Variance is -0.7 days Activity ES LS EF LF Slack Critical path 1 User requirements 0 0 18 21 0 Yes 2 Staff recruitment 21 21 57 57 0 Yes 3 Raising funds 57 62 104 108 5 4 Decoration 108 108 163 163 0 Yes 5 Staff training 159 163 173 173 0 Yes Critical path is 1-2-4-5; the expected kindergarten completion time is 173 days. The kindergarten completion time is 173 days with a variance of -0.7. This considers p