Saturday, December 14, 2019

Lessons learnt from failure Free Essays

Failure, it comes to everyone in different measures but only a handful of them gain from it. I also experienced a heart breaking failure which had a great impact on my life. At the age of seven I was introduced to chess. We will write a custom essay sample on Lessons learnt from failure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Though I did not have any Inclination towards the game my parents wanting me to stay occupied enrolled me in a chess academy where I learnt to play chess. I took to chess very quickly and surprisingly In a week’s time I started playing better than most of the guys my age. I started winning trophies and certificates and playing lots of tournaments and inning most of them. I gained recognition and became famous In my town as a chess champion. I even won the state level championship which proved I was better than thousands of players In my state. All this at the tender age of ten made me an overconfident boy with a â€Å"greater than thou attitude However as a child I did not realize the amount of hard work and practice that I would have to put In to reach the national levels. I started taking things for granted, those early wins had gone to my head and though my parents encouraged me to practice I was reluctant as there was to much challenge for me in my small town. Hence I started playing chess on the computer and soon I reached the level with the highest difficulty, but very soon I got bored of it. The happiness that I would get from defeating a real person eluded me when played in front of a machine, which resulted in me getting disinterested in practicing chess, failing to realize that without practice I would never reach my goal of becoming a national champion. My parents persuaded me a lot but I was stubborn and did not realize that I would soon lose the mastery I developed with so much effort. Though I had stopped playing chess I never lost my overconfident attitude. Ultimately the time came for me to play the qualifying rounds for the national level tournament, as expected I went there overconfident of victory and played such an important tournament without any practice. The results were obvious, I was defeated in the very first round and at that moment I experienced the worst failure in my life. At that time I realized my game had degraded and my skills as a chess player had deteriorated. I lost my confidence and became utterly dejected and devastated and eve up on chess. This was the biggest mistake of my life as I let depression get the better of me. I was deeply hurt and ashamed and withdrew into my shell for quite some time. After a couple of years one of my female competitor went on to become a grand master in chess , lots was being written about her In the news papers along with displays of photographs, making me feel all the more ashamed of myself. That ‘s when learnt the most valuable lessons which will stay with me for the rest of my life. First one was that never ever give up on your dream come what may, In other words resistance Is paramount and second one was that nothing can be gained without hard work. Now as my academics also require attention I have resumed playing chess just as my hobby, at the same time I have firmly resolved to give my best to whatever I decide to do in life and steer the ship of my life to the shores of success. I am a totally different person after tasting failure and I feel I am more mature and more committed as an individual and am sure that I will bring value as a person to which ever institution I get admission to. Seasons learnt from failure By Garn-Ideas inclination towards the game my parents wanting me to stay occupied enrolled me in surprisingly in a weeks time I started playing better than most of the guys my age. I winning most of them. I gained recognition and became famous in my town as a than thousands of players in my state. All this at the tender age often made me an overcon fident boy with a â€Å"greater than thou attitude â€Å". However as a child I did not realize the amount of hard work and practice that I would have to put in to reach the when I played in front of a machine, which resulted in me getting disinterested in Ultimately the time came for me to play the qualifying rounds for the national level grand master in chess , lots was being written about her in the news papers along with displays of photographs, making me feel all the more ashamed of myself. That’s when I learnt the most valuable lessons which will stay with me for the rest of my life. First one was that never ever give up on your dream come what may, in other words persistence is paramount and second one was that nothing can be gained without chess Just as my hobby, at the same time I have firmly resolved to give my best to How to cite Lessons learnt from failure, Papers

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