Friday, October 18, 2019

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

History - Assignment Example Oligarchs, through the different mechanisms of the government, only made their pockets deeper and their house bigger, while the citizens who work day-in and day-out are still dying from hunger and starvation with barely enough food on the table. This scenario of social entrapment brought forth the rise of Marxism and Socialism through revolutions, whether in the context of arms conflict or legal-political reforms. Cuba had Fidel Castro, Venezuela had Hugo Chavez, Mexico had Venustiano Carranza, and many more in Latin America. Socialism, with its thrust on social justice and equality to all, appealed well to the people who suffered from an extensive history of oppression by an oligarch or a dictator. 2. On pg. 855 in the section, â€Å"The West & Islam,† discuss the current issues between the Muslim world and the United States and why there is such anti-American feeling and resentment. Anti-American feelings, not only in Islamic states, but to the entire world, is the pre-emine nce of the United States on the four corners of the globe, from the small island-states of Oceania, to the icy winters of Siberia, the scorching land of Africa, even in the middle of the oceans in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.

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