Friday, October 18, 2019

The American Experience from 1865 to 1945 Essay

The American Experience from 1865 to 1945 - Essay Example The analysis looks at the Spanish-American war which took place in 1898. This war is said to have been started by Cuba following its urge for independence. The key figures include President Woodrow Wilson and Charles Evans (who was the secretary of state). An event like the Swedish emigration to North America between 1840 and 1920 is well captured by the author. The real cause for this emigration was poverty and Swedish were trying to run away from it. The highest number migrated in 1869 and1887. He approximates the number of Swedish to be about half a million, most of who settled in Canada, Australia and Brazil. They left Sweden by boat from Gothenburg and traveled to Liverpool from where they were ferried to New York and Boston by the emigrant ships. One of the authors Vilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) who even wrote a book titled the emigrants. It is also features Buchanan's (1856) whose art compromise skills led him to be the only president in America to be from Pennsylvanian. He ruled for four years and declined to take another term. He was succeeded by Abraham Lincoln. It was the informal agreements between Buchanan himself and South Carolina that kept was on hold. All these writings by this author acts as an eye opener to the reader giving him/her a chance to clearly examine rationalization and the inner thoughts as portrayed by the author. This can help in documenting the America's history and the changing spheres that can perpetually change America's history and its connection with the today's world1. This paper incorporates analysis from the book titled The Colonial Period of American History that was authored by Andrews and published in 1930. Materials from this book are meant to appear as confirmation to the author's information so as not to come up with conflicting history regarding the America's experience. The book concentrates more on the events that took place between 1865 and 1918, thus covering up to the first world war.America's Experience World War 11 For many years the United States has been largely involved in the world war. During the year 1865 America was involved in the civil war with its principal problems being: - Preservations of Monroe Doctrine integrity - The doctrine were a treaty that pledged signatories to a joint control of any future, unfortified isthmian canal dominion by one of the involved parties. Preventing the southern independence recognition by France and Britain. Holding those powers to proper

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